black text on transparent (high resolution)Mentorship


While a certification can provide knowledge, it takes experience to understand how to organize workouts into a progressive, systematic training program that enables runners to achieve their optimum fitness and performance. An experienced coach can teach runners how to train most effectively and why to train a certain way. Knowing the how and why of training goes a long way to becoming a more accomplished coach because you develop an understanding of the process.

The mentorship level of the REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification provides personalized guidance from Dr. Jason Karp, who will show you how to take what you have learned and put it into practice. Through in-depth weekly phone/Skype calls, he will teach you how to coach, how to see the bigger picture, and how to put a plan together and spot things in runners that require alterations to that plan.

Mentorship is available for those who want to learn more than the Xs and Os of running and who want to distinguish themselves from other coaches and trainers. It can be pursued after attending a live performance or completing the home-study course


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