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Continuing Education

Continuing education sucks. We make it fun. Because that’s how we continue to learn and grow and be the best we can be. Knowledge is power.

All certified REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ trainers are required to renew their certification every year by taking one course to maintain active status as a certified REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ coach. Just one course per year. That’s not so hard, right?

There are 3 ways to earn REVO₂LUTION RUNNING CECs:

1. Attend a REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ live performance a second time (or attend for the first time if you became certified via the home-study course). This option renews your certification current for two years.

2. Take a course from the list below.

3. Take a running-related course from another CEC provider and submit course info with proof of completion for approval to

Non-REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ Certified Fitness Pros
CEC courses are approved for CECs from other organizations as detailed below. You do not need to have a REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification to earn these CECs.

CEC Providers
Want to become an official REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ CEC provider for your course? Please complete the CEC provider application and submit the application with the fee at the bottom of this page to

CEC Courses
Run Your First Marathon
Looking to run your first marathon? Is one of your training clients wanting to complete a marathon? Regardless if it is you or one of your clients, training for a marathon is no walk in the park. This course is designed to prepare you to successfully train and complete a marathon while preventing injury. Learn what to eat, what to wear, how best to train, and more with this course!

This course is available to purchase on

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Trail Running
What’s all the hype around trail running? Learn about it in this course – the difference between trail runners and road runners and the benefits of trail running over road running.

This course is available to purchase on

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Is Barefoot Running Good or Bad for You?
Curious about barefoot running? With this course learn if barefoot running is safer? More efficient? Dive into the difference in technique between barefoot and running in shoes.

This course is available to purchase on

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Marathon Training 101: What Every Personal Trainer Needs to Know
While there are many reasons to train a client for a marathon, the likelihood that the client will continue this training on his or her own should be reason enough to consider training them for one. This course is written for the personal trainer with no previous marathon, or even running, experience. It is, therefore, designed to cover all aspects of marathon training, including musculoskeletal, physiological, ergogenic, psychological, and life management. In covering all of these aspects of marathon training, this course will also provide the trainer with the skills necessary to take the client through a 20-week training program for a marathon.

This course is available to purchase on

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Speed, Agility and Strength Training
Whether your client is an athlete or not, this course will give you the tools to train your client to perform more efficiently and effectively. Designed to give you the theories behind the drills, in this course, you will learn theories on speed, agility, strength training, and acceleration as well as fundamental drills focusing on running, reaction time, and more. Understand how to improve your clients’ running technique and alter your current drills. Unlock your clients’ potential with this course.

This course is available to purchase on

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Specific Nutrition
As you know, a good exercise program is only half the story as far as fitness is concerned. Equally important is proper nutrition. “Eat a healthy balance of foods from all four food groups.” We’ve heard this for years but is it enough to devise a well defined and periodized plan to maximize the benefits of your vigorous routine? Probably not. There are six categories of nutrients (water, vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) that can cause differing effects depending how they are manipulated. Obviously, weightlifters have different needs than soccer players and a serious fat loss client has different needs than a football player. The “Specific Nutrition” CEU is designed to teach you how to scientifically establish nutritional plans that work for a specific objective.

This course is available to purchase on

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Antioxidant Use in Sport and Fitness
Are you or clients looking for a way to enhance performance and recovery, but not sure what is safe out there? This course will teach you one method that will provide you and/or your clients a more natural means of getting the same desired effects, antioxidants. Antioxidants, particularly in the form of supplements can provide the same performance-enhancing and recovery results as steroids or performance-enhancing drugs without the danger. You will learn what antioxidants do in the body, how they play a role in exercise, the proposed benefits and more within this course.

This course is available to purchase on

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Dietary Considerations for Endurance Athletes
In this course, you will learn about dietary considerations for endurance athletes. Help your clients reach their full fitness potential by understanding and helping them tailor their diet to receive the greatest results from their endurance exercise bouts.

This course is available to purchase on

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