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From an idea born in a San Diego apartment to the premier running education and workout program in the fitness industry, here’s the REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ story…


Dr. Jason Karp, coach, exercise physiologist, and chief running officer at Run-Fit, develops the Run-Fit Specialist certification program and obtains continuing education approval from ACE and NASM
October Run-Fit Specialist certification is launched as a home-study course
Live performances are added to the certification program
September The first fitness professionals overseas become certified 
December In its first full year, more than 100 fitness professionals become certified as Run-Fit Specialists
Name of certification is changed to REVO₂LUTION RUNNING and U.S. trademark application is submitted
January Certification renewal is established with addition of REVO₂LUTION RUNNING continuing education courses
 January Continuing education credits from AFAA and PTA Global are added to certification program
 March The Bay Club in Santa Clara, California is the first health & fitness club to demo the REVO₂LUTION RUNNINGgroup treadmill class 
August The first REVO₂LUTION RUNNINGMaster Trainer Summit is held in San Diego, California, graduating the first class of Master Trainers
September Johnson Ranch Racquet Club in Roseville, California is the first health & fitness club to obtain the license for the REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ group treadmill classes
December Licensing program is created for certified trainers to bring the REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ outdoor training program to their local community.
More continuing education courses are added to the growing library, and the second REVO₂LUTION RUNNINGMaster Trainer Summit is held in San Diego, California, graduating 7 additional Master Trainers in the U.S.
July A one-on-one mentorship with Dr. Jason Karp is added to the certification program to go beyond the details of the live performance and home-study course.


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