Getting your PhD is not easy, and the decisions you make prior to and during your doctoral work can mean the difference between having a PhD in four years or eight. By making just about every possible mistake on his way to getting his PhD, Jason Karp is perhaps the only person to have personally researched every mistake you can possibly make in an academic institution. How to Survive Your PhD shows you what to avoid, what you should be doing, and how to make the best use of your time and resources.

Get insider information on:

• Choosing the right school
• Picking the right academic advisor and committee members
• Managing your time
• Thinking like a doctoral student
• Dealing with finances
• Writing the dissertation
• How to study for qualifying exams
• Dissertation defense
• And much more!

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Publication Details

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks (December 1, 2009)
ISBN: 978-1402226670

Price: $16.99

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