Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger with Periodization Training

The positive physiological adaptation to training is the result of a correctly timed alternation between stress and recovery. How that stress and recovery is applied determines the results that individuals achieve from their training efforts. Whether a person is interested in losing weight or training for a marathon, the best training programs are planned. Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger With Periodization Training provides an overview of the theory and research of periodized training, including the use of training cycles, with examples of how to properly periodize strength and cardio training. (61 min)

Price: $29.95

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Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners

One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners reviews the concept of fatigue—the inability to maintain or repeat a given level of force production, a condition which results in an acute impairment of performance. The DVD details the factors that cause fatigue in races and explains how to train to combat each of those factors. (72 min)

Price: $29.95

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Chasing Pheidippides: Marathon Training 101

From the time the ancient Greek runner Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greeks’ victory in the Battle of Marathon, humans have had a compelling interest in endurance running. With 500 marathons in the U.S. each year, and more than half a million people running them, the marathon has become a big deal. Chasing Pheidippides: Marathon Training 101 provides a physiological overview of the marathon and how to train for it using a variety of workouts. (71 min)

Price: $29.95

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Exercise and Weight Loss: A Look at the Scientific Research

While weight loss remains the most important underlying factor for people who exercise at health and fitness clubs and hire personal trainers, most fitness professionals are not familiar with the scientific research on this critical issue, all too often relying on what’s presented by the popular media. Exercise and Weight Loss: A Look at the Scientific Research features a review of the scientific research on exercise and weight loss with regard to the most effective weight-loss strategies, including how much exercise is needed and the type and intensity level of exercise that is most appropriate for losing weight. (59 min)

Price: $29.95

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Lactate Threshold: Best O₂ Bang for Your Buck

One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Lactate Threshold: Best O2 Bang for Your Buck presents an overview of the key factors involved in lactate threshold—the fastest speed that can be sustained aerobically. The DVD explains why this factor is one of the most important physiological determinants of distance running performance. The DVD also discusses how to determine the speed at which it occurs and how athletes can effectively train it. (49 min)

Price: $29.95

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Periodization Training for Distance Runners

One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Periodization Training for Distance Runners reviews how distance runners can have a physiologically positive impact on their training efforts by incorporating a correctly timed, alternating cycle between stress and recovery. The DVD provides an overview of the theory of periodized training, reviews research findings on the practice, discusses the use of training cycles, and presents examples of how to properly periodize the training program of runners. (65 min)

Price: $29.95

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Physiological Secrets of Distance Running

One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Physiological Secrets of Distance Running reveals 15 running secrets to enhance performance, including the key training speeds to use, proper pacing, the role that the lungs play in running, and what runners should do to run their best race. (52 min)

Price: $29.95

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The Art and Science of Recovery

Recovery may be the most overlooked aspect of exercise. Everyone seems to focus on how many minutes to bike, what heart rate to run, or how much weight to lift. Improvements in fitness, however, occur during the recovery period between workouts, not during the workout itself. Since the recovery period is so important to maximize gains in fitness, you can benefit from guidelines on how to optimally recover after workouts. In this DVD, you’ll learn optimal post-workout recovery strategies and the secrets of designing recovery intervals during workouts. (111 min)

Price: $39.95

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The Resting Metabolic Rate Debate

Many individuals believe that strength training adds muscle mass, thereby increasing their resting metabolic rate, so they burn more calories all day, which helps them lose weight. While scientific research has documented that metabolic rate is acutely elevated after a workout, it’s not as certain that resting metabolic rate is chronically increased. The Resting Metabolic Rate Debate reviews the research on the effects of aerobic exercise and strength training on resting metabolic rate and details the scientific “truth” about this complex issue. (58 min)

Price: $29.95

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The Runner’s Clinic

Includes lecture on running and VO2max workout from 2011 IDEA World Fitness Convention. If you want to be a better runner, start by running and training better! This video teaches you how to run better through the use of running form drills and offers a special insider’s view to the best lessons and workouts for runners, including lactate threshold runs, VO2max intervals, and anaerobic capacity intervals. It explores the scientific and coaching view of training and leaves you with a new knowledge of running! (106 min)

Price: $39.95

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The Science and Coaching of Distance Runners

The Science and Coaching of Distance Runners includes the three presentations from the 2009 ACSM Conference that explore several key factors that enhance the training of distance runners. Over two hours of cutting edge information and authoritative insights from three coaches and scientists, featuring:

The Ingredients of Success and Economy of Exercise
(Dr. Jack Daniels)
Training to Complete or Compete in the Marathon?
(Dr. Hal Goforth)
Chasing Mercury: Getting Faster With Periodization
(Dr. Jason Karp)

Price: $59.95

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VO₂max Distance Running Clinic

VO2max Distance Running Clinic presents a detailed overview of several of the principles, concepts, and training techniques involved in distance running. Featuring four separate video programs—Physiological Secrets of Distance Running; Lactate Threshold: Best O2 Bang for Your Buck; Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners; and Periodization Training for Distance Runners, the DVD is designed to serve as an exceptional instructional resource for both coaches and runners. (202 min)

Price: $69.95

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