10 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon — Embracing Endurance

10 weeks until the New York City Marathon! I’m enjoying the end of my recovery week. Only 35 miles this week, after the last two weeks of 50. Next week, I’m building up to 55 miles, including one acidosis threshold run of 4-5 miles, one long tempo run of 9-10 miles over rolling terrain a bit slower than threshold pace, and one long run of 17 miles. The rest of the week I’ll fill in with easy runs to meet the weekly mileage total.

This endurance work is challenging for me. I’ve always been better at the shower, faster races. They’re more in line with my physiology… and my personality. I’m an intense guy, so I don’t have a problem being very uncomfortable for a short period of time. I also have some speed, as I learned a long time ago in fifth grade, when we did those Presidential Physical Fitness Tests. I beat almost all my classmates in the 50-yard dash and 600-yard run. I still have the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests patch of achievement! But drag on some discomfort for a long period of time, and that’s difficult for me. I’ve always found it interesting that most people are the opposite—most would rather run a marathon than a mile. Almost every runner I’ve coached has been better at longer races than at shorter ones. Seems easier for people to go long and slow than short and fast.

Training for my second marathon, 12 years after my first one, has reminded me how important it is to challenge ourselves. Although we should often stick to what we’re good at rather than try to “go against our grain,” sometimes, it’s good to get out of the box and do something we’re not as good at. It humbles us. So this year is about endurance for me. It’s about doing something in memory of someone else. For my mom. So I’m raising money for charity, running a lot, and embracing this journey. If you’d like to help, please donate to the American Cancer Society: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/DetermiNation/DNFY11EA?px=29614587&pg=personal&fr_id=54459. And throw yourself into something uncomfortable, fully, with your whole heart.

10 weeks until the New York City Marathon!

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