Is Nutrition (Diet) More Important Than Exercise for Losing Weight and Looking Good?

  I hear a lot in the fitness industry about the importance of clean eating. Indeed, most fitness professionals quote that physical appearance is 80% due to nutrition and 20% due to your workouts. I don’t know where those numbers come from, but those percentages are unknowable.     If we are to assign a […]

The Truth About Weight Loss

  I’ve been seeing a lot of nonsense on social medial lately about weight loss, so I made a video for you (I think that’s called a Vlog instead of a Blog). Enjoy! Share this with your colleagues, clients, and friends. And don’t forget to pre-order RUN YOUR FAT OFF, which hits bookstores in March!

Workout Time

Beginning in the seventh grade, I became fascinated with time, how fast it goes and how each year seems to go by faster than the previous year. When I once shared my perception of time with my 90-year-old grandmother, she said, “Just wait until you’re 80.” I’m still far from 80, so I can only […]

Do You Really Burn More Calories After a Workout?

Ever since the fitness industry got a hold of research showing that people burn calories after they work out while they recover from their workout, a whole new argument was born. Exercise stopped being about the exercise and became about what came after. “Do this workout,” trainers and gurus would say, “because you’ll burn four […]

The Truth About Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)

Ever since the fitness industry got a hold of research showing that people burn calories after they work out while they recover from their workout, a whole new argument was born. Exercise stopped being about the exercise and became about what came after. “Do this workout,” trainers and gurus would say, “because you’ll burn four […]

Myths, Metabolism, and Asia

There are a lot of myths in the fitness and weight loss industry. As I put the finishing touches on my next book, THE RUNNING DIET, here’s two myths from my chapter on running and weight loss myths. Myth: Thin people have a faster metabolism. Try this experiment: Hold five copies of one of my […]

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