The Best 3 Running Workouts

People ask me all the time what workouts they should do to run faster. Well, there’s lots of them. Whether the goal is to get faster or get fitter, here are the 3 best running workouts: VO2max Intervals VO2max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body consumes per minute. So it represents the maximum rate […]


If you look up the word guru in the dictionary, you’ll see something that says “A teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern” “One who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent” There may as well be a picture of Jillian Michaels or Tracy Anderson in the dictionary, because people look up […]

Track Races and Finding My Inner Sprinter

I ran in the Summer Nights Track & Field Series last night in San Diego. 1,500 meters. Came through 800 meters in 2:36, only 1 second shy of my plan. Wanted sub 5 minutes. Finished in 4:58.66. These 43-year-old legs ain’t got the speed they used to have, but I executed the way I wanted […]

Paced Runs

I used to coach a talented runner who ran the first mile of every race too fast, only to slow down dramatically during the latter segments and end up disappointed with the result. He thought he was better than his workouts and he let his competitive spirit and pre-race adrenaline obscure his knowledge of his […]

5 Lies About Fitness

Social media can be a dangerous thing. It gives people a public voice who would otherwise not have one. Every day I see popular fitness figures posting stuff that is inaccurate or blatantly wrong. Here’s 5 lies you’re being told. Lie #1: You have control over your metabolic rate. Your resting metabolic rate is the […]

Why You Need Long Aerobic Exercise

There’s been a lot of talk and promotion in the fitness industry about high-intensity exercise. If you ask me, most of what is behind this talk is money. If we tell people what they want to hear—“all you need is a few minutes of high-intensity exercise per day”—people are more likely to buy. No one […]

Train Like a Woman!

As I write in Running for Women, there are obvious differences between women and men in anatomy, physiology, hormones, and metabolism. So why do all trainers, coaches, and running books take a one-sex-fits-all approach to training? As an active female, here are seven things you need to know to capitalize on being an active woman. […]

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