Asia Fitness Convention, Chicken Curry, & Running in Bangkok

Well, the Asia Fitness Convention is off to a great start! Fitness professionals from all over Asia are here in Bangkok to learn about the latest fitness trends. Here’s a picture before my presentation on women and exercise. The conference is a lot of fun. Asians love their cameras – everyone wants to take a […]

5 Things To Become a Better Runner

Do these 5 things to become a better runner: 1. Polarize your training. When you run easy, run very, very easy. When you run hard, run very, very hard. For a distance runner, hard doesn’t always mean faster. Hard can also mean increasing the volume of work performed at a given speed. Running for close […]

Recovery Week

This week I’m cutting back my running mileage to 38 from the 55-57 miles per week I’ve been running the last 3 weeks and am doing just one formal workout, which I did yesterday—a 40-minute up-tempo run at slightly slower than acidosis threshold effort on rolling roads in Rancho Santa Fe, which is a cut-back […]

Longest Run in 12 Years

Went on a 19-mile run yesterday, longest run in 12 years. I almost always run on my own, but this time I ran with an attendee at a conference I spoke at in San Diego last year. We started at 6:20 am to beat the heat. She said she was nervous about running with me. […]

Long run, fuel belts, and Rice Krispies

Today I ran 18 miles (approximately, since I don’t have a GPS) as part of my New York City Marathon preparation. It’s been very hot in San Diego (September and October are the hottest months here), so I woke up at 5:30, ate a small breakfast of a bowl of Rice Krispies cereal (don’t judge […]

Why Symmorphosis Makes You a Better Runner (Plus a Chance to Win Money!)

I love magic. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a magician. One of my favorite illusions is Metamorphosis. First performed by Houdini, an assistant ties up the magician in a sack and locks him in a metal trunk. The assistant then stands on top of the trunk, and raises a curtain in […]

10 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon — Embracing Endurance

10 weeks until the New York City Marathon! I’m enjoying the end of my recovery week. Only 35 miles this week, after the last two weeks of 50. Next week, I’m building up to 55 miles, including one acidosis threshold run of 4-5 miles, one long tempo run of 9-10 miles over rolling terrain a […]

Tabata Training

There has been a lot of commotion lately about Tabata training. Everyone in the fitness industry is using it. It’s based on the research of Izumi Tabata and his colleagues at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Japan. The protocol they used, which was based on the training that Japanese speed skaters were […]

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