101 Developmental Concepts & Workouts for Cross Country Runners
Cross country running is a demanding sport, and how you train can mean the difference between leading the race or bringing up the rear. Now you can be prepared! 101 Developmental Concepts & Workouts for Cross Country Runners gives you the best workouts and explains the most important training concepts.
Get insider information about:
• How to train systematically and efficiently
• Aerobic and anaerobic training
• Lactate threshold workouts
• VO2max intervals
• Hills and fartleks
• Cross country games
• Race strategy and tactics
• Developing strength, power, and flexibility
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Publication Details
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Coaches Choice (July 6, 2010)
ISBN: 978-1606791165
101 Winning Racing Strategies for Runners
Most runners run races without giving much thought as to how they’re going to run the race. They just pay their entry fee and run, or run with their teammates, without any intention to their actions, hoping for a good result. Successful racing takes knowledge, planning, and execution. And a little courage. 101 Winning Racing Strategies for Runners offers the most comprehensive guide for running winning races.
Get insider information about:
• How to run smarter races
• Race strategy and tactics
• Winning training for racing strategies
• Winning pre-race strategies
• Winning during race strategies
• Winning mental strategies
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Publication Details
Paperback: 95 pages
Publisher: Coaches Choice (February 14, 2012)
ISBN: 978-1606791981
14-Minute Metabolic Workouts
“Time is perhaps the main influencer of how much people exercise. Most people claim they never have enough of it. But everyone has 14 minutes.” – DR. JASON KARP, 14-Minute Metabolic Workouts
14-Minute Metabolic Workouts includes a variety of compact, science-based workouts that target the five components of physical fitness—cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, body composition, and flexibility. The book includes cardio intervals, sprint intervals, muscular strength, power, and endurance workouts, circuits, plyometrics, and flexibility workouts. The book also includes workouts that can done at the gym, at home, or outside, and cleverly puts them all together in a menu of workouts to create a complete training program. 14-Minute Metabolic Workouts is the solution to everyone’s time problem, giving you amazing results in 14 minutes or less.
Publication Details
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Skyhorse (June 27, 2017)
ISBN: 978-1510717947
5K Advanced Program Endurance-Type (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive endurance-type runner who wants to improve his or her 5K performance. Program begins with 40 miles per week and maxes out at 60 miles per week, with 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on endurance training.
5K Advanced Program Speed-Type (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive speed-type runner who wants to improve his or her 5K performance. Program begins with 40 miles per week and maxes out at 50 miles per week, with 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on interval training and speedwork.
5K Intermediate Program Endurance-Type (20 weeks)
For the intermediate endurance-type runner who runs regularly and wants to improve his or her 5K performance. Program begins with 30 miles per week and maxes out at 50 miles per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on endurance training.
5K Intermediate Program Speed-Type (20 weeks)
For the intermediate speed-type runner who runs regularly and wants to improve his or her 5K performance. Program begins with 30 miles per week and maxes out at 40 miles per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on interval training and speedwork.
5K Run/Walk Beginner Program (20 weeks)
For the beginner runner who has never run before who wants to run a 5K. This run/walk program begins with 100 minutes of walking/running per week and maxes out at 196 minutes of walking/running per week, with 3 to 4 days of walking/running per week.
5K/10K Advanced Program Endurance-Type (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive endurance-type runner who wants to improve his or her 5K/10K performance. Program begins with 290 minutes (approx. 40 miles) per week and maxes out at 410 minutes (approx. 60 miles) per week, with 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on endurance training.
5K/10K Advanced Program Speed-Type (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive speed-type runner who wants to improve his or her 5K/10K performance. Program begins with 290 minutes (approx. 40 miles) per week and maxes out at 350 minutes (approx. 50 miles) per week, with 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on interval training and speedwork.
5K/10K Beginner Program (20 weeks)
For the beginner runner who runs recreationally. Program begins with 90 minutes (approx. 9 miles) per week and maxes out at 260 minutes (approx. 26 miles) per week, with 3 to 4 days of running per week.
5K/10K Intermediate Program Endurance-Type (20 weeks)
For the intermediate endurance-type runner who runs regularly and wants to improve his or her 5K/10K performance. Program begins with 240 minutes (approx. 30 miles) per week and maxes out at 400 minutes (approx. 50 miles) per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on endurance training.
5K/10K Intermediate Program Speed-Type (20 weeks)
For the intermediate speed-type runner who runs regularly and wants to improve his or her 5K/10K performance. Program begins with 240 minutes (approx. 30 miles) per week and maxes out at 320 minutes (approx. 40 miles) per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week. Greater emphasis on interval training and speedwork.
Anatomy Training
Anatomy Training is a collection of Jason Karp’s selected articles that first appeared in the United Kingdom’s Ultra-Fit magazine for its best body series. Each article, presented as a chapter in this 56-page e-book, focuses on a specific body part, first describing its anatomy and then providing specific exercises and workouts.
Chapter 1: Fab Abs
Chapter 2: Tighter Butt
Chapter 3: Caveman Chest
Chapter 4: Beautiful Back
Chapter 5: Sexy Thighs
Chapter 6: Popeye Biceps
Chapter 7: Shapely Shoulders
Chapter 8: Cool Calves
Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger with Periodization Training
The positive physiological adaptation to training is the result of a correctly timed alternation between stress and recovery. How that stress and recovery is applied determines the results that individuals achieve from their training efforts. Whether a person is interested in losing weight or training for a marathon, the best training programs are planned. Chasing Mercury, Battling Hercules: Getting Fitter and Stronger With Periodization Training provides an overview of the theory and research of periodized training, including the use of training cycles, with examples of how to properly periodize strength and cardio training. (61 min)
Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners
One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners reviews the concept of fatigue—the inability to maintain or repeat a given level of force production, a condition which results in an acute impairment of performance. The DVD details the factors that cause fatigue in races and explains how to train to combat each of those factors. (72 min)
Chasing Pheidippides: Marathon Training 101
From the time the ancient Greek runner Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greeks’ victory in the Battle of Marathon, humans have had a compelling interest in endurance running. With 500 marathons in the U.S. each year, and more than half a million people running them, the marathon has become a big deal. Chasing Pheidippides: Marathon Training 101 provides a physiological overview of the marathon and how to train for it using a variety of workouts. (71 min)
Custom-Made Training Program
Want a training program specifically for you? Includes a questionnaire-driven, detailed written training program tailored to your strengths to target specific races, from mile to marathon. This option does not include on-going coaching.
Exercise and Weight Loss: A Look at the Scientific Research
While weight loss remains the most important underlying factor for people who exercise at health and fitness clubs and hire personal trainers, most fitness professionals are not familiar with the scientific research on this critical issue, all too often relying on what’s presented by the popular media. Exercise and Weight Loss: A Look at the Scientific Research features a review of the scientific research on exercise and weight loss with regard to the most effective weight-loss strategies, including how much exercise is needed and the type and intensity level of exercise that is most appropriate for losing weight. (59 min)
Fitness Myths, Misconceptions, and Misinformation CEC Course
Why do we think we know things that we actually do not know? From lactic acid to stretching and resting metabolism to burning fat, there are many myths and misconceptions that pervade the fitness industry. Learn the truth about many fitness and weight loss myths and misconceptions.
Half-Marathon Advanced Program (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive runner who wants to improve his or her half-marathon performance. Program begins with 290 minutes (approx. 40 miles) per week and maxes out at 410 minutes (approx. 60 miles) per week, with 6 days of running per week.
Half-Marathon Beginner Program (20 weeks)
For the beginner runner who runs recreationally. Program begins with 100 minutes (approx. 10 miles) per week and maxes out at 280 minutes (28 miles) per week, with 3 to 4 days of running per week.
Half-Marathon Intermediate Program (20 weeks)
For the intermediate runner who runs regularly and may or may not have run a half-marathon before. Program begins with 240 minutes (approx. 30 miles) per week and maxes out at 400 minutes (approx. 50 miles) per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week.
How to Survive Your PhD
Getting your PhD is not easy, and the decisions you make prior to and during your doctoral work can mean the difference between having a PhD in four years or eight. By making just about every possible mistake on his way to getting his PhD, Jason Karp is perhaps the only person to have personally researched every mistake you can possibly make in an academic institution. How to Survive Your PhD shows you what to avoid, what you should be doing, and how to make the best use of your time and resources.
Get insider information on:
• Choosing the right school
• Picking the right academic advisor and committee members
• Managing your time
• Thinking like a doctoral student
• Dealing with finances
• Writing the dissertation
• How to study for qualifying exams
• Dissertation defense
• And much more!
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Publication Details
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks (December 1, 2009)
ISBN: 978-1402226670
In-Person Technique & Training Consultation
To be a better runner, start by running better. Dr. Karp shows you proper running technique using specific drills and discusses with you how to make your training program more effective.
Jason’s PowerPoint Presentations
Unable to attend the conferences where Jason speaks? Get the exclusive PowerPoint slide presentations from Jason’s lectures! For descriptions of available presentations, click here.
Lactate Threshold: Best O₂ Bang for Your Buck
One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Lactate Threshold: Best O2 Bang for Your Buck presents an overview of the key factors involved in lactate threshold—the fastest speed that can be sustained aerobically. The DVD explains why this factor is one of the most important physiological determinants of distance running performance. The DVD also discusses how to determine the speed at which it occurs and how athletes can effectively train it. (49 min)
Marathon Advanced Program (20 weeks)
For the advanced and competitive runner who wants to improve his or her marathon performance. Program begins with 350 minutes (approx. 50 miles) per week and maxes out at 500 minutes (approx. 70 miles) per week, with 6 days of running per week.
Marathon Beginner Program (20 weeks)
For the beginner runner who runs recreationally but has never run a marathon before. Program begins with 150 minutes (approx. 15 miles) per week and maxes out at 360 minutes (approx. 36 miles) per week, with 4 days of running per week.
Marathon Intermediate Program (20 weeks)
For the intermediate runner who runs regularly and may or may not have run a marathon before. Program begins with 240 minutes (approx. 30 miles) per week and maxes out at 400 minutes (approx. 50 miles) per week, with 5 to 6 days of running per week.
Marathon Running CEC Course
To paraphrase the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, “A journey of 26.2 miles begins with a single step.” From the time the ancient Greek runner Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. to announce the Greeks’ victory in the Battle of Marathon, humans have had a compelling interest in taking that single step, and many more after that. Running a Marathon For Dummies shows you how to take 26.2 miles’ worth of steps to run a marathon, whether it’s your first one or fastest one. This CEC course covers everything all runners need to know about the marathon, including shoe selection, ten things you must do on marathon race day, secrets of the long run, and how to avoid injuries. It even offers 20-week training programs for beginner, intermediate, and advanced runners and provides information on top destination marathons around the world.
Do you want to write magazine articles, get a book published, speak at fitness conventions or acquire other public speaking engagements, or learn how to work for yourself as an entrepreneur? As your mentor, Dr. Karp works with you one-on-one, giving you intensive advice and feedback, evaluating your work, and putting you in contact with editors and fitness conventions to help your career.
Mentoring is charged monthly (or by single session) and includes the following to keep you motivated and on track with reaching your big goals:
• Four 1-hour coaching sessions, either in-person or via Skype/telephone
• Follow-up emails as needed
• Homework assignments and action steps
• Evaluation of your work
• Accountability from Dr. Karp throughout your mentoring term
• Access to Dr. Karp’s international editorial and fitness industry contacts
Cost: $150/single session or $436/monthly term
Metabolic Workouts CEC Course
Get a variety of compact, science-based workouts using machines, free weights, and body weight that target the five components of physical fitness and a menu of workouts that create a complete training program. Workouts include cardio intervals, endurance tempos, sprint intervals, short circuits, plyometrics, and muscular strength, power, and endurance workouts. Course includes an autographed copy of 14-Minute Metabolic Workouts and online exam.
Periodization Training for Distance Runners
One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Periodization Training for Distance Runners reviews how distance runners can have a physiologically positive impact on their training efforts by incorporating a correctly timed, alternating cycle between stress and recovery. The DVD provides an overview of the theory of periodized training, reviews research findings on the practice, discusses the use of training cycles, and presents examples of how to properly periodize the training program of runners. (65 min)
Personal Training
People who work out with a trainer see better results than those who don’t. So what are you waiting for? Coach Jason will meet you for workouts in your home or at exotic locations around San Diego and North County, including Pacific Beach, Balboa Park, Mission Bay, La Jolla, Torrey Pines, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, and Solana Beach.
- 1-hour sessions
- 24-hour cancellation policy
- Sessions must be paid in advance, either by cash or check in person or with a credit card online
Receive a FREE training session (or $100 cash) for each person you refer who purchases 5 or more sessions! Refer a friend!
Choose as many sessions as you want. The number of sessions you receive depends on what you need to achieve your goals. No more, no less. Want to work out with others? Join Coach Jason’s Hot Bod Boot Camp.
Physiological Secrets of Distance Running
One of four presentations from the VO2max Distance Running Clinic, Physiological Secrets of Distance Running reveals 15 running secrets to enhance performance, including the key training speeds to use, proper pacing, the role that the lungs play in running, and what runners should do to run their best race. (52 min)
Race Pacing
Have a time goal for a race? Coach Jason will be your personal pace setter, pacing you to meet your goal and teaching you how to correctly pace a race for the best result. (Available for San Diego races only.)
Recovery Nutrition CEC Course
Nutrition may be the single biggest thing an individual can do to enhance recovery following workouts. This course delves into the science of nutrition for optimal recovery, reviewing the research on post-workout nutrition and giving recommendations for optimal nutritional recovery strategies.
October 19-20, 2019
Meet, run, and network with other REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certified professionals from around the U.S. and the world at our annual weekend retreat in San Diego, California! Immerse yourself in the running culture, network with other professionals (bring business cards!), hang out at the beach, and attend seminars on running and growing your business with founder and chief running officer Dr. Jason Karp.
$69 + travel to San Diego (and the sunscreen you’ll need for the beach!)
Run in style with the official REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ lightweight T-shirt. Made from 100% polyester with moisture management to keep you comfortable and cool. Includes REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ logo on front and back so everyone knows when you’re coming and going!
REVO₂LT Running Team
Be part of an exclusive team atmosphere and attend weekly coached group workouts in San Diego. Emphasis is on preparing runners to meet individual goals and on team competitions. Membership includes coached workouts, team training program, uniform, travel opportunities to races, physiological testing, and PowerBar products. More info…
Run Your Fat Off
“If you want to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life, it pays to become a runner. Or at least someone who runs.” – DR. JASON KARP, Run Your Fat Off
Running is the most effective exercise to burn calories and lose weight. Despite its effectiveness, it has been largely neglected by the weight loss experts. Until now. Dr. Jason Karp’s unique expertise as a researcher, running coach, and lifelong runner is translated into a practical running-for-weight-loss program. The book includes both running and nutrition menus and recipes, blending scientific research with inspirational stories of people who have lost weight through running. Through the partitioning of calories, Run Your Fat Off makes you the director of the calorie movie, dictating where your calories go and how they are used so you can achieve permanent weight loss.
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Reader’s Digest (March 14, 2017)
ISBN: 978-1621453352
10% of the profit on every book sold will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in the memory of the author’s mother and the American Heart Association in memory of the author’s father.
Run-Fit Boston Marathon Training
Group training program for runners who have qualified or are training to qualify for the 2014 Boston Marathon. Includes 10-month training program and weekly coached workouts for local runners. Program is open to San Diego local and non-local runners.
Run-Fit Coaching
Want to be a better runner in 2014? How bad do you want it? Register for one year’s worth of Run-Fit Coaching by midnight on January 1, 2014 and get HALF OFF!
- One year of private coaching from world-class coach and author Dr. Jason Karp
- Daily written training program with polarized training
- Unlimited access to Coach Jason by telephone and e-mail
- REVO2LT Running Team membership
- Race strategy and analysis
- Free PowerBar products
Run-Fit Marathon/Half-Marathon Online Training Group
Want to train for a marathon or half-marathon? Join an exclusive group of your running peers led by Dr. Jason Karp to prepare for your race!
OCTOBER 17, 2016 – APRIL 17, 2017
What’s Included:
Training Plan
Receive a detailed, systematic 6-month training plan created in monthly training blocks by Coach Jason that targets a spring marathon or half-marathon of your choice, including Boston Marathon, London Marathon, and others. Program starts October 17 and ends on April 17, the day of the Boston Marathon.
Skype Calls
Enjoy weekly Skype calls with Coach Jason and the group to hold you accountable, check on your progress, and answer your questions.
Expert Advice & Information
Receive tips, tricks, and insights directly to your email inbox each week to help you prepare for your race.
Free T-Shirt
Receive a free official RUN-FIT moisture-wicking T-shirt so you can stay comfortable and cool on those long runs.
Free Book
Receive a free autographed copy of Coach Jason’s popular book, Running a Marathon For Dummies.
Running a Marathon For Dummies
To paraphrase the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, “A journey of 26.2 miles begins with a single step.” From the time the ancient Greek runner Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. to announce the Greeks’ victory in the Battle of Marathon, humans have had a compelling interest in taking that single step, and many more after that. Running a Marathon For Dummies shows you how to take 26.2 miles’ worth of steps to run a marathon, whether it’s your first one or fastest one.
The comprehensive and smartly written 360-page book, part of the highly successful For Dummies brand, covers everything all runners need to know about the marathon, including shoe selection, ten things you must do on marathon race day, secrets of the long run, and how to avoid injuries. It even offers 20-week training programs for beginner, intermediate, and advanced runners and provides information on top destination marathons around the world.
Whether you want to run a marathon just for the thrill of it or qualify for the Boston Marathon, Running a Marathon For Dummies will get you to the start line… and the finish line! The marathon truly is different from any other running race. It unites people. It changes people’s lives. And it will change yours.
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Publication Details
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Wiley (November 13, 2012)
ISBN: 978-1118343081
10% of the profit on every book sold will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in memory of the author’s mother.
Running for Weight Loss CEC Course
Running, second only to walking as the most popular exercise in the world, burns more calories than any other exercise. Learn the three reasons why running is the premier exercise for lasting weight loss, how running affects metabolism and the partitioning of calories, and how to run (and eat to run) to lose weight. Course includes an autographed copy of Run Your Fat Off and online exam.
Running for Women
“The female runner’s training program must always be open to change, moving a workout here or there based on how you feel, or backing off on the training load altogether when certain conditions arise, like amenorrhea, pregnancy, or anemia.” – DR. JASON KARP, Running for Women
There are obvious differences between women and men in anatomy, physiology, hormones, and metabolism. So why do running books take a one-sex-fits-all approach to training? Finally, here’s one that doesn’t.
Running for Women provides comprehensive information on training female runners based on their cardiovascular, hormonal, metabolic, muscular, and anatomical characteristics.
This authoritative guide tackles the topics women need to know:
• The impact of the menstrual cycle on hydration, body temperature, metabolism, and muscle function
• The most effective workouts for endurance, speed and strength, lactate threshold, and VO2max
• How and when to train during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause
• Preventing knee injuries, stress fractures, and other female- specific running-related injuries
• Avoiding the risks of the female athlete triad—disordered eating, osteoporosis, and menstrual irregularities
• How to use sex differences to your advantage
Based on the latest research on estrogen, metabolism, and other sex-specific performance factors, Running for Women will change the way you fuel, train, and compete. If you’re serious about running, this is one book you must own.
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Publication Details
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Human Kinetics (June 14, 2012)
ISBN: 978-1450404679
10% of the profit on every book sold will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in memory of the author’s mother.
Secrets of Running Injury Prevention
Are you an injured runner? Want to prevent yourself from getting injured ever again? There’s really no good reason why so many runners should get injured. Yet it happens all the time, mostly because so many runners don’t train intelligently, or they follow programs that are faulty in design. In the concise 17-page e-book, Secrets of Running Injury Prevention, Dr. Jason Karp shares his secrets of how to never get injured from running, enabling you to run healthier and better!
The 3 Players of Distance Running CD Collection
Each CD contains a PowerPoint slide presentation (VO
The Art and Science of Recovery
Recovery may be the most overlooked aspect of exercise. Everyone seems to focus on how many minutes to bike, what heart rate to run, or how much weight to lift. Improvements in fitness, however, occur during the recovery period between workouts, not during the workout itself. Since the recovery period is so important to maximize gains in fitness, you can benefit from guidelines on how to optimally recover after workouts. In this DVD, you’ll learn optimal post-workout recovery strategies and the secrets of designing recovery intervals during workouts. (111 min)
The Fat-Burning Zone: Myth or Magic – An Anthology of Fitness Articles
The Fat-Burning Zone: Myth or Magic – An Anthology of Fitness Articles is a special collection of fifteen of Dr. Jason Karp’s fitness articles that have appeared in various magazines around the world. From treadmill training to the top 3 cardio workouts to the fat-burning zone, this 89-page e-book will make you the fittest you’ve ever been!
Chapter 1: Resting Metabolic Rate
Chapter 2: Know Your Fitness Level
Chapter 3: The Best Types of Cardio Equipment
Chapter 4: Weight Training for Beginners
Chapter 5: Weight Machines vs. Free Weights
Chapter 6: Fat-Burning Zone: Myth or Magic?
Chapter 7: Top 3 Cardio Workouts
Chapter 8: High School P.E. Class Revisited
Chapter 9: 15-Minute Workouts
Chapter 10: Interval Training
Chapter 11: Old Way, New Way
Chapter 12: Busting Through Plateaus
Chapter 13: Treadmill Training
Chapter 14: The Art and Science of Recovery
Chapter 15: Fitness Myths, Misconceptions, and Misinformation
The Inner Runner
“Running is about how much we can put ourselves on the line, literally and figuratively, to measure up against our true selves and narrow the gap between who we
are and who we want to be.” – DR. JASON KARP, The Inner Runner
Why are so many people drawn to running? Why is running the most common physical activity? What is it about running that empowers so many people? And how can runners harness that power to create a more meaningful life? The Inner Runner addresses these questions and a whole lot more.
This book is not about how to get faster or run a marathon; rather, it examines how running affects every part of our lives and how all of the parts are intimately interconnected to each other and to the whole person. It explores what it means to be a runner, how the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other helps you become a better person and provides a path to a more meaningful, more creative, more imaginative, more productive, more confident, more healthful, and more successful life. The Inner Runner is as much about life as it is about running.
Publication Details
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Skyhorse (April 12, 2016)
ISBN: 978-1634507950
10% of the profit on every book sold will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in the memory of the author’s mother and the American Heart Association in memory of the author’s father.
The Inner Runner CEC Course
In addition to the many documented physical benefits of running and exercise, there are numerous psychological, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual benefits. In this mind-body course, learn how running affects every part of our lives and provides a path to a more meaningful, more creative, more productive, more confident, more healthful, and more successful life. Course includes an autographed copy of The Inner Runner and online exam.
The Resting Metabolic Rate Debate
Many individuals believe that strength training adds muscle mass, thereby increasing their resting metabolic rate, so they burn more calories all day, which helps them lose weight. While scientific research has documented that metabolic rate is acutely elevated after a workout, it’s not as certain that resting metabolic rate is chronically increased. The Resting Metabolic Rate Debate reviews the research on the effects of aerobic exercise and strength training on resting metabolic rate and details the scientific “truth” about this complex issue. (58 min)
The Runner’s Clinic
Includes lecture on running and VO2max workout from 2011 IDEA World Fitness Convention. If you want to be a better runner, start by running and training better! This video teaches you how to run better through the use of running form drills and offers a special insider’s view to the best lessons and workouts for runners, including lactate threshold runs, VO2max intervals, and anaerobic capacity intervals. It explores the scientific and coaching view of training and leaves you with a new knowledge of running! (106 min)
The Science and Coaching of Distance Runners
The Science and Coaching of Distance Runners includes the three presentations from the 2009 ACSM Conference that explore several key factors that enhance the training of distance runners. Over two hours of cutting edge information and authoritative insights from three coaches and scientists, featuring:
The Ingredients of Success and Economy of Exercise
(Dr. Jack Daniels)
Training to Complete or Compete in the Marathon?
(Dr. Hal Goforth)
Chasing Mercury: Getting Faster With Periodization
(Dr. Jason Karp)
VO₂max Distance Running Clinic
VO2max Distance Running Clinic presents a detailed overview of several of the principles, concepts, and training techniques involved in distance running. Featuring four separate video programs—Physiological Secrets of Distance Running; Lactate Threshold: Best O2 Bang for Your Buck; Chasing Mercury: Training to Combat Fatigue in Distance Runners; and Periodization Training for Distance Runners, the DVD is designed to serve as an exceptional instructional resource for both coaches and runners. (202 min)
Women’s Running CEC Course
There are many differences between women and men in anatomy, physiology, hormones, and metabolism. So why do most training programs take a one-sex-fits-all approach? A female’s training program should be strong enough for a man, but made for a woman. This Run-Fit CEC course delves into the science of a woman, providing comprehensive information on training female runners based on their cardiovascular, hormonal, metabolic, muscular, and anatomical characteristics. Topics include the impact of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, the female athlete triad, female-specific injuries, nutrition, and how to use sex differences to a woman’s advantage.