Chin-Ups, Push-Ups, and Hills

If you’re a runner, chances are that sometime in your running life you’ve done hill repeats. The rather simple idea of running up and down a hill may seem monotonous and unnecessary to some but, for a runner, hill repeats are an often-used method of improving fitness. The feel of your heart pounding in your […]


  Muscles are the most accessible way we have to see what our workouts do to our bodies. However, despite how many compliments you get from your Instagram pictures taken following your workouts, what matters is not what your muscles look like, but what they can do. In the early days, it was the strength […]

Run-Fit Retreats and a Lifetime of Passion for Running Better

  I just got back from Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I spoke at the American Indian Running Coaches Clinic, hosted by Wings of America. The topic of my presentation was ‘A Lifetime of Passion for Running Better: My Journey from Runner to Physiologist to Coach.’ Although I don’t feel I’m old enough to talk […]

Run-Fit Specialist Certification, Thigh Master, and 19 Million Runners

  I remember my mom telling my twin brother and me that I first walked when I was seven months old, and then when my brother got up to walk soon after, I pushed him back down and he didn’t get back up until months later. I guess my competitive nature was already evident. The […]

PUMA Ignite, Middle School, and Chasing Carl Lewis

On my run today, I test ran a pair of new shoes. I always love the feel of a new pair of running shoes. And I love how they smell. The smell of a new pair of shoes is like the smell of food before its eaten. There’s a lot of commotion lately about running […]

Carlsbad 5000, Blood Clots, and What We Often Miss

I ran the Carlsbad 5000 today, as well as a few other thousand meters after the race. It was my first appearance at a race since the race on the track in early January that was immediately followed by being hospitalized with blood clots in my calf veins and lungs. I registered for this race […]

Mileage, Time, and Run-Fit Specialist Discount

Beginning in the seventh grade, I became fascinated with time, specifically how fast it moves and how each year seems to go faster than the previous year. Time spent running is also interesting—the second half of runs always seem to go faster than the first half, and some runs seem to fly by while others […]

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